
Is There A Long-Term Benefit To Enduring Anxiety?
Posted on November 22, 2022 7:14 AM by Faith Sites
Categories: General
Anxiety is a common emotional state where an individual fears something bad may happen.  It usually happens when you face a difficult problem as it’s a normal reaction to stress, despite your faith.  After looking on ministry websites and doing some research, you know that when a person has anxiety, they may experience impaired breathing and an accelerated heart rate.
The intensity and duration can vary, but it is often said there’s no escaping it since it’s totally overwhelming and makes concentrating difficult.  Rather than thinking of anxiety as a troubling state that keeps you from doing what you enjoy, look at the long-term benefits of dealing with it and how it brings you closer to God.
Increased Ability To Cope With Problems
Psychologists have found that people who can handle stress better in the short term tend to be able to handle stress better in the long term, too.  In other words, this quality is somewhat like training to run a marathon as you start with shorter distances but you must push yourself over time to increase those distances.  One way to get through hard times is to shrug off anxiety as best as possible and focus on what’s important in your life.
Increased Creativity
It’s no secret that anxiety can inhibit creativity but at the same time, it narrows your focus and makes you more rigid in your thinking.  Luckily, anxiety can also have the opposite effect, at least in certain circumstances.  For example, people with a high level of anxiety tend to draw more creative sketches when they are told they will be evaluated, which suggests there is an upside to enduring anxiety if it spurs creativity.
Greater Appreciation For Loved Ones
According to ministry websites, anxiety can wreak havoc on your relationships and make it challenging to cope with daily life.  However, while anxiety may strain your bonds with family and friends, it can strengthen them as well by revealing what is most important to you, and what matters the most.  For that reason, dealing with anxiety can help you identify who is truly important to you, making your relationships stronger.  Although anxiety may get in the way of life, it can improve your ability to cope with life’s inevitable changes as long as you maintain your faith and believe in God.

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