30-Day Guarantee

We are so confident you will be satisfied with your new website that we offer a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee.

Our Money Back Guarantee does not apply towards new domain name registrations, domain name transfers, credit card convenience fee, webmaster services nor amounts paid for custom work. Domain names are subject to a $15 fee per domain name for the registration. This is because your domain name(s) continues to be your property and we will assist in the transfer of your domain name(s) to your new registrar.

If you find yourself unsatisfied with our services for any reason, open a support ticket with your assigned web designer within the first 30 days of your account signup requesting cancellation and a refund. For the 30-day calculation, the first day is the day following the date the signup form is submitted. The final day a refund can be requested is day 30.

Phone: 317.608.6526
Monday: 8am to 5pm EST
 Tuesday: 8am to 5pm EST
 Wednesday: 8am to 5pm EST
 Thursday: 8am to 5pm EST
 Friday: 8am to 4pm EST