
Are Christians More Religious During A Time Of Crisis?
Posted on November 17, 2021 6:54 AM by Faith Sites
Categories: General
The covid19 pandemic has flipped the religious paradigm in the United States, creating the sort of fervent interest in God the country hasn’t seen in decades.  Many religious experts expect times of crisis to destroy the belief systems so many people support and adopt.  Yet, Christians have responded to the pandemic by clinging to their faith, a development that has compelled those in charge of church websites to try and understand the factors driving this pattern.
Destroying False Foundations

Trauma pushes ordinary people to question the ideas about God that were imparted to them as children.  An occurrence that sounds negative with regard to content for church websites until you realize that it also allows Christians to ground their faith in a belief system.  One they have dissected, explored, and understood rather than one that has been passed down to them through traditions.
Finding Meaning

Often, people struggle to cope with trauma since it differs so drastically from the norm, ruining deep-rooted routines and forcing them to doubt the rationale of their existence.  Religion becomes a more attractive element during these moments as trauma is so damaging that the only way to get through such adversity is to view suffering through a faith-based lens.

It’s not uncommon for church websites to attach meaning to the pain that accompanies a condition.  While some Christians have responded to the pandemic by associating their agony with the sin that most likely attracted it, others are choosing to obsess over the reward that is promised in scripture to those who persevere through the hard times.  As a result, their faith has grown rather than waver.

Even though non-believers expect catastrophes to destroy religious zeal by showing Christians the weakness of the God they worship, covid19 has challenged this assumption.  Not only have Christians used these uncertain times to renew their faith but the aches produced by the virus have propelled some doubters to attend church again, proving that religion isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.

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