
Posted on October 4, 2017 8:00 AM by Faith Sites
Categories: General
Many churches are looking to boost the effectiveness of sermons and improve the ministry in some way with each passing year.  In order to do that, you need to apply exceptional tactics to gain the attention of your congregation so they feel a closer connection with the church.  The following communication tips have been known to positively impact how the congregation grows.
Where Your Focus Should Be

All churches share one common goal which is to spread God’s word.  However, your church should be unique in a sense and have distinct objectives that set it apart from other churches.  For instance, focus on reaching an audience that other ministries have failed to connect with such as people who have relocated and are looking for a new church.  Also, consider creating a specific preaching strategy to attract youth groups that are rarely drawn by traditional sermon styles.
Choose Sustainable Channels

There are a variety of outlets to use when reaching your audience but choose what is most effective after trying each one.  Today, people want to make the most of their time so they communicate through messaging while doing other tasks.

To ensure your online presence is responsive and flawless, utilize a church website design that gives your congregation and visitors the same look no matter what device they use.  Aside from that, post updates to your social media account frequently and respond to messages in a timely fashion.
Concentrate On Benefits

Often, people are interested in how a service will benefit them or if it will make an impact on how they feel.  Any endeavor to improve your ministry these days should take into account that most communication is taking place through the internet.  The audience you want to target may be diverse so implement a church website design that will draw as many people as possible.
Posted on September 18, 2017 8:00 AM by Faith Sites
Categories: General
One look around your church during a service reveals a very common scene to most pastors.  That scene is people looking down but not at their Bible as you may think.  Instead, cell phones are being used to pass the time which is the case for many teenagers as they text or play games.  Through texting and church websites, you can engage members during services to improve active communication within your congregation.
Why Should Texting Be Encouraged?

In the past, church services were thought of as a time to remain seated and listen while the pastor gave the sermon.  It was deemed rude to do anything aside from listening to the preacher and questions were usually discouraged.  However, times are changing as people have a growing desire to exchange knowledge rather than give or receive it in a one-way channel.

As a result, this has led to churches taking steps to be more interactive.  Younger members send messages while the pastor is speaking anyways so use it to be productive where they share sermon quotes with their friends.  How can you keep the congregation engaged with texting?
Constructive Use Throughout A Service

The first step is to welcome devices rather than shunning them.  Actually, some members may be using their device to follow along in a Bible app.  Encourage the use of devices but it should be in a constructive manner and ask them to turn off notifications to avoid any distractions.  Participation may be improved by asking members to give their responses through text-to-screen services.

With texting, members have a higher chance of remembering what the sermon was about.  Also, prayer requests are generally done through small prayer cards but texting and church websites offer a cheaper, easier way to relay prayer requests.  Text messaging in particular gets the youth more involved since it’s a convenient and effective option.  Likewise, it will be easier for the preacher to respond to prayer requests which can make a positive impact on the congregation.
Posted on August 31, 2017 8:00 AM by Faith Sites
Categories: General
Most pastors have an endless amount of responsibilities and it may be difficult for them to spend time keeping a blog up-to-date.  However, a blog benefits the ministry in a variety of ways as church members follow it on a regular basis to stay informed.  Very few ministry websites use this to their advantage but it is a great way to stay connected with members and establish a connection with new visitors.
Growth Expectations With Blogging

Today, an online reputation is just as important for a church as it is for any other institution.  Blogs linked to ministry websites often increase the number of people who visit the website.  They are inexpensive to set up and generate more traffic when the content is engaging and kept current.  Unlike email and social media, blogs are open to anyone and they require no subscription so members of the congregation can suggest them to friends.
Blogs Encourage Discussions & Interaction

Since readers have the ability to comment on blog posts, you may use them to interact with members and other Christians to answer spiritual questions.  Typically, this interaction improves the frequency of members staying in touch as they can take part in the discussions no matter where they are.  Additionally, the discussions that go on in the comments section can help you understand your church members better so use it to prepare sermons that are tailored to their spiritual needs.

Ultimately, blogging allows church members to get to know you so write in a way that reflects who you are with regard to your faith.  A blog may also be used to thank church members for contributions or volunteering their time which encourages them to keep supporting the church.  While it can be a challenge to start a blog, it gets easier over time as you gain more experience!
Posted on August 16, 2017 8:00 AM by Faith Sites
Categories: General
Like most other organizations, churches have to employ marketing techniques in order to reach more people and provide better services to congregants.  Churches can market their ministry through a variety of ways which include social media, church website design, announcements, and signs.
Marketing is a vital element to the growth of any church so a special importance should be given to reduce the possibility of ineffective results.  Keep these 4 mistakes in mind when marketing your church to attract more members each year.
Social Media & Visitors

Social media gains new members everyday and is a great way to draw in new congregants and stay in contact with current ones.  Sermons can also be shared through there so people always receive the latest message even if they are on vacation or not feeling well.  Whatever the case may be, make it a priority to give social media platforms a weekly update to meet your marketing objectives.  Many people use it daily so it makes it possible for the congregation to be up-to-date at all times.
When a new visitor attends a service, you should have a plan in place to ensure you do everything you can to make them feel welcome.  The first step is to have current members ready to greet them properly and show them around the church.  Additionally, try to establish communication through social media or email so they feel compelled to return.
Sermons & Mailing List

Sermons should be a focus each week as most of the congregation looks forward to them so verify the church website design includes a page with a sermon overview.  Beyond that, encourage members to subscribe to emails and use incentives to persuade them it is in their best interest.  Often, more people will be reached when these mistakes are avoided as the church marketing strategy is vital to growing the congregation.
Posted on July 17, 2017 12:20 PM by Faith Sites
Categories: General
For church leaders who run volunteer programs, the first challenge is to get church members to volunteer their time and other resources to the church.  The second challenge is to get those same members to keep volunteering in the future so the church always has a group of reliable volunteers.  Church leaders can use church websites, social media, and the end of services to put the word out when they are in need of volunteers.  Implement the following strategies to get members to keep donating their time and resources.
Match Skills With Passion

Church members are more likely to join and take pride in being a volunteer if they are given roles that match their skills and passion.  For instance, volunteers who are school teachers or professional counselors are usually skilled when dealing with youth so pair them for youth tasks.  Likewise, some who volunteer are accountants or business people with years of financial experience and they can lead projects on a budget.
Through church websites, volunteers may be asked to identify what they are passionate about then place them where they are most comfortable.  If not, some people may get bored and stop donating their time to the church.  What can you do to ensure volunteers remain content with their role?
How To Avoid Burnout

A taxing schedule is likely to cause burnout as many volunteers may have a different idea in mind when they agree to volunteer their time.  Prevent that from happening by creating a timetable where everyone is utilized but not overworked.  It is important to make every volunteer feel needed but they should never feel overwhelmed by the duties assigned to them.
As a church leader, you should always aim to make use of the talent a volunteer has and to give each volunteer a chance to contribute.  Often, a well run church has an abundance of reliable volunteers who are excited about their role within the ministry.
Posted on June 30, 2017 8:00 AM by Faith Sites
Categories: General
Note taking is an important part of Bible study if you want to improve your understanding of the Bible.  Many ministry websites provide free or commercial software that you can use during Bible study.  When deciding on which Bible study software to use, give special attention to software that makes note taking a priority so you have more productive Bible study sessions.  The following tips are valuable and effective towards taking better notes in the future.
Advanced Note Taking Features

The main focus when selecting Bible study software is to look for one with more note taking features.  Some Bible study software programs allow you to tie a note to an entire chapter, verse, or even a passage.  The best Bible study software is the one that features all three options as it allows you to organize your notes exactly how you wish.
Additionally, choose note taking software that gives you the most options when formatting your notes.  Make sure you can create lists, highlight words, indent paragraphs, and check for spelling mistakes.  Bible study software that only allows for unformatted text input severely limits your ability to take comprehensive and clear notes.  What other tip will lead to a more meaningful Bible study?
Use Hyperlinks

When taking Bible study notes, you should use links to cross reference all related information.  Link verses, notes, and online sources such as ministry websites that may add important information to your notes so you are able to expand on any topic.  Hyperlinks can also help you collect passages from commentaries, books, and other sources.  This makes it easier for using different texts during Bible study.
Use these valuable tips in the future to ensure you take well-organized notes that make it easy to find the highlights after Bible study.  If you want to boost your understanding of the Bible, invest in software with essential features to create useful notes.
Posted on June 6, 2017 8:00 AM by Faith Sites
Categories: General
One of the biggest challenges church leaders face today is finding ways to engage their congregation at times when they have other priorities.  During weekdays, most congregants are preoccupied with work, school, and other activities so they tend to put religion at the back of their mind.  Fortunately, there are ways to overcome this and keep everyone engaged.  Church leaders can use the following strategies each week to help captivate their members before a service.
Digital Channels & Social Media

As a church leader, you should use all platforms such as websites, social media accounts, emails, and newsletters to engage members.  Each platform is an option for your church to prepare churchgoers for what they might expect.  Additionally, the church website design should be analyzed periodically to ensure congregants are staying up-to-date on upcoming events.

Facebook is a particularly effective tool as many people already use it so an account for your church allows them to know the latest.  Now, preachers have the option of utilizing Facebook Live to stream sermon previews throughout the week to gain the interest of church members.

Social media outlets are also a great place to have faith-based discussions as churchgoers receive notifications on their phone.  While deciding on a church website design, be sure to include pages for displaying lyrics to songs that will be used during upcoming services.  The impact could make a significant difference in the number of members that participate.
What Will Increase Participation?

Often, churchgoers are hesitant to join in the singing of worship songs since they might be unfamiliar with the words and rhythm.  Platforms like Spotify or Apple Music allow a playlist of worship songs to be created and shared with members.  As a result, members become familiar with the songs and actively participate.  These simple tactics go a long way towards engaging the congregation and making them more devout.
Posted on May 18, 2017 8:00 AM by Faith Sites
Categories: General
Graduating high school is a memorable moment for any teenager and also the start of a completely new chapter in their life.  The same is true for churchgoing children who have been brought up in the faith by a religious family.  This next chapter of their lives can bring about many trials and temptations which are known to pull some teens away from the church and faith.  Fortunately, there are ways for families and church websites to ensure teenagers retain their faith after graduation.
Support & Prayer

One of the biggest reasons why teenagers become tempted to leave their faith is due to the lack of understanding and support from loved ones.  Parents should try to be understanding and open to listening about the experiences of teens as that is a key element for ensuring they keep God first.  At the same time, constantly be there to remind them of the loving and supportive nature of their faith.
The transition from high school to the next chapter of life will not always be easy.  Parents should lead by example and pray together as a family so teens know situations are faced as a whole.  Teenagers who are part of a family that prays together know they always have a support system every step of the way.  Often, that is critical in determining the path a teen chooses after high school.
The Impact Of Community

The second reason why faith is lost involves the community back home and the alienation from other teens there.  Members of the church should stay in touch on a frequent basis to reduce the odds of this happening.  Church websites are an ideal option for this as all members have the opportunity to talk with the teen and reinforce their beliefs.  From there, any teen can find a great pillar of support for faith no matter what is going on in their life.
Posted on May 5, 2017 8:00 AM by Faith Sites
Categories: General
Today, communication is very important and email is an area often forgotten about as other forms of communication are faster.  Smart phones have opened up a new world of apps and social media, but email is still incredibly powerful.  Aside from ministry websites, email marketing is one strategy that ministries can use to communicate with others.  First, create an email list of church members and visitors to use for staying in contact.
Email Marketing Advantages

After creating an email list, you now have a way to notify everyone in the congregation individually with a sermon or newsletter.  Typically, pastors want to share insightful sermons with the congregation and their friends who may not follow social media.  An email list helps make that possible and it opens up communication for those to ask the pastor any questions regarding faith.  Additionally, this is a great way for sermons to be downloaded and listened to again in the future.

Ministry websites may also request members to sign up for the email list where they receive a free weekly sermon.  Other benefits include knowing the latest about upcoming sermons, events, and services.  People are more likely to become interested in your ministry as you deliver helpful content on a consistent basis that they can apply to their own life.  What should every email marketing campaign keep in mind?
Continuously Analyze

The opportunities that are generated from creating an email list can make a huge impact on nearly any ministry.  Various ministries are live streaming sermons now and automated emails may be sent out when the sermon is about to start.  This allows members who are on vacation or too ill to attend the service to still watch the sermon and feel connected to the church.  A key to a successful email marketing campaign is getting people to take action after opening the email and frequently analyzing ways to make improvements.
Posted on April 24, 2017 7:00 PM by Faith Sites
Categories: General
Social media has changed the way many people stay connected to what matters most in their life.  Through social media, the ministry can engage visitors and members anytime as notifications signal followers about any updates.  From time to time, people who attend your church might forget to check the ministry website no matter how great the church website design appears.  The following advice assures your ministry uses social media in ways to retain the interest of visitors and members.
Maintain A Schedule
The first element to consider before using social media is how frequent you plan to post and interact with the congregation.  Typically, the people that follow you on Facebook or Twitter expect to see regular updates about upcoming events or a recap of the previous service.  Consistently set aside time to make a post about the ministry every few days or once a week so your followers stay interested.  An absence of updates could cause a potential visitor to quickly lose interest and attend a different church.
When creating a social media account, create an account solely for your ministry where only church related news is posted.  New people that want to know more about your ministry expect to see information pertaining specifically to the church.  That usually consists of worship times, special events, and announcements that affect the churchgoers.  A social media profile focused on the church with shared verses from the Bible improves interaction from visitors and members.
Interaction Leads To Recognition
Ultimately, social media accounts for churches have the same goal of attracting more people to the church.  The church website design attracts visitors but social media allows people to interact with you instantly whether they want to confirm worship times or have a question about your ministry.  Respond to comments and private messages on your social media account as soon as you receive them.  Often, a quick reply impresses a visitor to share your ministry with their family and friends which is always an advantage for the church.

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