
Why Should Your Church Use More Video In 2018?
Posted on April 16, 2018 8:00 AM by Faith Sites
Categories: General
If you still use text as the only way to inform people online about what is happening in your ministry, this is the time to make video a priority.  Online video has become the most engaging form of content.  For instance, there are videos on YouTube with over a billion views but how many people actually read your posts on social media?

Video stands out and is able to grab an audiences’ attention more often than not.  Fortunately, video is supported on many platforms; virtually all social media channels support video now.  Churches can also use their ministry websites to reach out to audiences through videos.  Here are a few other reasons why you should use more video this year.
Low Costs

Today, making and uploading video is not only easier but also incredibly inexpensive as it doesn’t require an extravagant camera.  In most cases, pastors are using a smartphone to issue simple video updates or announcements.  With a tripod, a microphone, and a properly-lit area, smartphones are highly capable of helping you create a professional grade video in minutes.
Leave A Long-Lasting Impression

If your goal is to drive home a point to the congregation, video is by far the best way to accomplish that.  Studies have shown that visual content sticks better in the mind as it’s easier to recall what was mentioned in a video, as opposed to text on a website.  Some people may not have the patience for reading a lot of content so they only get a clear understanding when they listen in person or watch a video.
Video Tends To Get Shared More

Whether you post a video on social media or to ministry websites, you can be sure that the video will get shared more than other forms of content.  With each share, the video will increase the exposure it gets and drive new traffic to your ministry.  The best online videos are usually short, precise, and great in quality so keep that in mind to ensure your videos are effective.

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