
Vital Steps To Grow Your Congregation
Posted on December 12, 2018 8:00 AM by Faith Sites
Categories: General
A church may attract many visitors on Sunday but if it doesn’t have a system in place for converting new attendees into members, the congregation might remain relatively small.  When growing a congregation, the focus should be more on engagement rather than increasing attendance numbers.  Assimilation is one of the best strategies in that regard and is often forgotten about.  Here is how to grow your congregation through member assimilation.

Obviously, you need to get people to visit your church before you start assimilating them.  Some ministries do that by publishing targeting posts on church websites and social media or ask members to invite their friends.
On a Sunday service, make sure you have greeters give new visitors a warm welcome and answer any questions as thorough as possible.  Also, consider collecting the contact details of visitors and offer them a welcome packet to help them learn more about your ministry after they leave.

In most cases, visitors stay isn’t solely due to them being given a warm welcome but also because the church goes above and beyond.  Therefore, after the service, ask if they can stay for a few minutes and show a genuine interest in getting to know them.  Discuss their interests and try connecting them with their neighbors or suggest that they fellowship together.

Whether you’re asking a visitor to join the choir or to fellowship with their neighbors, never rush them into making a decision.  Instead, allow the visitor to move at their own pace and introduce them to people they can reach out to when they need assistance.

Once visitors have transitioned into active members, continue to engage them by delegating important tasks that they enjoy.  Some tasks to consider include teaching a class, organizing mission trips, and heading the choir.  Members require varying amounts of time to assimilate and it’s up to the church to study each member and take care of them appropriately.  Church websites, social media platforms, and prayer groups are just a few outlets you can use to grow your congregation.

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