
The Best Practices For Keeping Church Members Safe During Bad Weather
Posted on January 16, 2019 8:00 AM by Faith Sites
Categories: General
Hurricanes, winter storms, and other harsh weather conditions are a part of nature.  But, that doesn't mean your congregation has to suffer every time bad weather strikes.  With good plans and the tools that technology has to offer, it’s possible to minimize the confusion while maximizing safety when the weather is unfavorable.  Here are a few strategies for communicating with your congregation during weather-related emergencies.
Create A Plan & Share It

Over 40% of all small organizations in the U.S., including churches, lack a plan for what action should be taken when there’s a weather emergency.  If your church contributes to this statistic, now is a great time to create a plan.  If you check the ministry websites of top churches, you might find weather response plans and these could serve as ideas for creating your own plan.

Since a plan is often not enough, you should explain the details so everyone knows the actions to be taken.  Include as much information as possible, such as what channels to use, who to contact, and whether or not the church will be closed during such emergencies.  Make sure you keep the information updated, especially with regards to weather forecasts.
Utilize Technology

Technology is a great tool to have at your disposal when dealing with extreme weather.  From phone calls and text messages to emails and ministry websites, the options for reaching church members are endless.  If you need to send the same message to many people at the same time, texting can be very helpful.  These days, you could even do real-time updates using outlets like Facebook and YouTube.

Adverse weather conditions may cause some forms of communication to break down so always have an alternate plan for members to use in case that happens.  Inclement weather will likely halt your services for the day, but does it have to diminish the engagement you have with members?  Creating and sharing a weather plan with your congregation not only keeps your ministry active but it also ensures everyone remains safe.

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