
The Benefits Of Opening An Actual Bible
Posted on November 2, 2020 8:00 AM by Faith Sites
Categories: General
Even though mobile apps and church websites have gained considerable importance over the years as credible sources regarding scripture, many pastors have continued to promote the use of physical Bibles in church.  They accept that digital media has simplified access to the gospel, but also claim that the word of God is received better from reading the printed pages in an actual Bible.  The following are some of the benefits that all pastors should keep in mind when they conduct a service.

The Old Testament is filled with stories about the prophets of God who would use his word to not only affect change but to invoke his authority during difficult times.  One example is the Ten Commandments which were placed in the Ark of the Covenant and used in an effort against the enemies of Israel.  Pastors with a strong presence in their community believe they have expressed God’s words in a similar manner by opening and reading from a physical Bible in non-religious settings.

Bibles are learning tools that help Christians track their progress as they slowly but surely increase their understanding of God’s word.  While some classify the Bible as sacred text that must be handled with respect, most pastors encourage their congregation to write in their Bible.  It can help to take notes or underline passages so reviewing important parts is an easier task.

While church websites and apps are just as effective at journaling a Christian’s walk, they are associated with diversions that are absent in a traditional Bible.  Since a physical book won’t distract readers with social media alerts and text messages, it encourages devoted Christians to concentrate on the task of consuming and understanding the word of God.  Even though a real Bible is inconvenient for some, frequently using it is a sign of dedication and signifies the love that one has for Christ’s message!

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