
Should You Record Every Church Service?
Posted on January 2, 2019 8:00 AM by Faith Sites
Categories: General
Every week, the pastor and worship teams spend a significant portion of their week preparing for the service on Sunday.  That day, each party only has about an hour to pour out their soul to the congregation.  After that, the sermon is often forgotten about unless it is recorded.

Live recordings are beneficial to the ministry as they provide a way to preserve services.  With the convenient storage that church websites offer, church members can revisit a particular point in the sermon they didn’t understand when the sermon was being delivered.  Here are a few other benefits.
Work On Improving Issues

When you record services, those leading the worship can go back and watch so they easily notice the areas where improvement is needed.  Perhaps members of the choir should harmonize better during songs or the pastor isn’t using adequate body language to get the message across.  These are just some of the issues that can be solved with recording services.
Correct Errors With Constructive Criticism

Many people get irritated when others say they’re doing something wrong and usually continue to think their way is correct.  For instance, if one of the choir members is going off key on some songs, they might be upset when you point that out to them after the service.

When you have a recording, you can prove it to them and work together as a team to come up with ways to solve the problem.  You could listen to the best parts and praise each other while discussing what to uphold and what to change.
Recording a church service not only helps to reveal issues and highlight opportunities for growth but it also captures moments worth revisiting.  Furthermore, many ministries are using church websites to share memorable services and this works remarkably well for spreading the Gospel.  If you haven’t recorded your services, consider it in the near future so your ministry improves every year and attracts more potential members.

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