
Key Tips For Guests To Return Next Sunday
Posted on February 21, 2017 7:00 PM by Faith Sites
Categories: General
Worship services are a perfect time for the congregation to welcome new guests to the church.  The number of guests who attend worship services is unpredictable most of the time unless it’s a holiday such as Easter or Christmas.  A church website design lures visitors to the church but guests expect a certain level of friendliness while they are there for them to return.  Churches that strive to overcome attendance barriers should consider implementing the following tips to make guests feel appreciated.
Simple Yet Effective Actions
There are some very basic actions that church members can do to make a profound impact on whether or not a guest feels motivated to come back.  First, think of what other members did when you visited a new church for the first time and implement those same acts of kindness.  The church website design may also be customized to cater to guests so they easily find the church.
During rainy weather, make sure arriving guests are accompanied by someone with an umbrella when walking in.  Once inside the church, guests might be uncomfortable so offer to help them find a seat or the restroom, especially if they have children.  When a member assists a guest, it builds familiarity with their surroundings and shows they are a priority.
Promote interaction by introducing them to the pastor or other members as this frequently leads to a higher return rate when a guest feels part of the congregation.  Typically, new visitors love having the opportunity to talk to the pastor whether it’s after the service at church or talking over the phone.
One Tip That Exceeds All
Friendliness goes a long way but it should be more meaningful than the stand and greet time as guests tend to think members are not genuine then.  Instead, members could suggest inviting a guest to a group lunch after worship services.  In many cases, this tip influences guests the most to return in the future as they are included in an activity with other members.

9761 Crosspoint Blvd
 Suite 400
 Indianapolis, IN 46256
Phone: 317.608.6526
Monday: 8am to 5pm EST
 Tuesday: 8am to 5pm EST
 Wednesday: 8am to 5pm EST
 Thursday: 8am to 5pm EST
 Friday: 8am to 4pm EST