
Is The Bible The Foundation Of All Christian’s Faith?
Posted on June 19, 2020 8:00 AM by Faith Sites
Categories: General
Most Christians have always considered the Bible to be the foundation of their faith.  Believe it or not, though, quite a few ministry websites and leaders have challenged the importance of scripture today.  What started as a debate tactic is starting to evolve into a movement that could do long-term harm to the trust that young Christians have in their Bibles.  Other members of the congregation often wonder how a Christian could feel this way and if the claims being posted by some ministry websites are valid.
Understanding The Motivation

Even though some Christians think this attempt to dilute the Bible’s significance is malicious, it could be an effort to convert nonbelievers.  They believe that they can transform a few souls by relying solely on the strength of events like the resurrection.  This attempt to center faith on evidence rather than scripture has gained considerable weight in the Christian community.

The reason for that is a number of church leaders have argued that the first Christians came to Christ through the teachings of the apostles.  They based their beliefs, not on any religious texts but on the irrefutable proof of the resurrection presented by all the apostles.
Dismantling The Argument

Any trend that works to erode the value of the Bible should be challenged and fortunately, the errors in this argument are not that difficult to identify.  Is the Bible the foundation of the Christian faith?  Yes, it definitely is.  The New Testament says that believers preached the Gospel in a world deprived of the Bible as it exists today.  But, their arguments were rooted in divine scripture, specifically the Old Testament.

The apostle Paul urged new believers to ground their faith in Christ.  He understood that evidence could not interpret itself and that the Bible would be the lens to which others recognized their sinful nature.  As a result, this pushed them to accept Christ’s saving grace.  Nobody should try to strip the Bible of its prominence and efforts to do so need to be squashed.  While there is a place for debates, the Bible should always remain at the center of Christian faith!

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