
How To Assess Communication In The Ministry
Posted on November 1, 2018 8:00 AM by Faith Sites
Categories: General
Many churches strive to improve communication and they often think it takes an extravagant church website design or a new tech trend used by another church.  Instead, this is a process more about taking the necessary steps that lead to growth.  In order to achieve ministry growth, you need to assess what works for your church and make adjustments along the way.  Here is how to evaluate the effectiveness of your communication strategy and tech programs accordingly.
Are They Changing Lives Positively?

When implementing a new social media trend, church website design, or any other form of communication technology, your main goal is to make a positive impact.  In that regard, you aim to help non-believers know and accept Christ while enabling other Christians to grow into mature disciples.  Aside from looking at the change in behavior among your congregation, you should also evaluate the results periodically.
Simple Counting

If your communication efforts are effective, that should reflect in the attendance numbers on Sunday and during special events.  Once you’ve created systems to inform people about your services and other events at your church, keep track of the results.  When your strategies are working, members will be more eager to attend and engage online.
For instance, look at the specific actions that you took to create awareness about an event and ask church members how they learned about it.  You could ask people to raise their hands or answer a simple survey; you may be surprised how many of them cooperate.
Monitor Your Return On Investment

Communication technology might cost you a significant amount but what matters is the return on investment.  The ROI can be assessed by looking at the change in church attendance, the increase (or decrease) in members, and the willingness of members to volunteer or offer tithes.  If your ministry is seeing less than stellar results, maybe it’s time to reconsider your communication strategy.

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